Diablo 3 season 18 patch notes
Diablo 3 season 18 patch notes

diablo 3 season 18 patch notes

In other words, all seasonal characters become normal, and with the start of the next season, new characters must fresh-start all over again, competing for the clear Leaderboards. There is a fierce competition within the Leaderboard of the same type, but it has no effect on other boards.Īfter the season ends, all of the player's progress (Paragon experience, crafting recipes, items, gold, etc.) will be rolled into the main roster, and the season-exclusive items are added to the normal loot tables. Each type of Leaderboard is divided by goal, by class and by solo/group mode rather than a "by account" one. The goal and key feature of Seasons is the ability to climb Leaderboards by completing achievements, earning Conquests, or running Greater Rifts. It also awards special banner and transmogrification options. Season participation benefits include exclusive rewards and unique Legendary Items, which are only available to Seasonal characters. Seasonal characters take up one of the regular 12 or 15 character slots and will remain in this slot after the end of a Season, simply having their Season status removed. These are also separate for Softcore and Hardcore Seasonal characters, making a total of four types per account.

diablo 3 season 18 patch notes

Seasonal characters have a separate stash, gold and other currencies, artisans, Paragon experience etc., starting fresh and completely clear when the season begins. It’s unclear what its release window is, but as soon as we find out more information, we’ll be sure to let you know.Seasons are only available to freshly created characters who must be leveled all the way from level 1 after the season begins. While Blizzard is hard at work on Diablo III updates, it’s been revealed that Diablo 4 is in development, as well. Season 18 of Diablo III is expected to begin sometime in the fall/winter of 2019, although it does not have an official release date. This is a great way to gain valuable feedback right from the community.

diablo 3 season 18 patch notes

In addition, Blizzard will continue to implement the PTR and feedback system, wherein players can test future patches to ensure everything is running smoothly. The blog post notes that Blizzard will aim to be more communicative with its fans and will continue to give updates just like it has with this most recent post. It was also revealed that these updates will release in a staggered fashion, giving the community a reason to keep checking back in.

Diablo 3 season 18 patch notes